Tea Tree Essential Oil

Tea Tree Essential Oil

Tea Tree essential oil, available in two sizes, 10 and 30 ml.

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Top Note. Purifies environments, and helps ward off heavy energies and parasites of all kinds that take away energy.
Actions: antibacterial – antifungal – anti-inflammatory – healing – beneficial for respiratory tract
Suitable for: stretch marks – scars – anti-aging treatment – impure skin – boils – acne – athlete’s foot – foot baths – lice – dandruff – in diffusion to restore the environment.

Essential oils are extracted from specific parts of aromatic plants called essences. Extraction is mostly done by the steam distillation method, achieved through special distillers. With it, the plant’s most volatile and lipophilic molecules can be collected

-Essential oils should not be applied pure to the skin as they can cause side effects, such as skin irritation, allergies, and actual spots on the skin. It is therefore necessary to always dilute them in vectric substances such as base oils, creams, soaps etc.

-Do not use them in treatment of pregnant women. Citrus E.O.’s (such as bitter orange, bergamot, and lemon) contain photosensitizing substances and should not be used before sun exposure. Keep O.E. out of the reach of children. To rule out possible allergic reactions, which are, moreover, very rare, the first time you use an essential oil do a test with a drop on the crook of your elbow. Within a minute if no reaction occurs then you can use it safely (always in the recommended dilutions)

-Nutmeg, Sage, Rosemary and Thyme are contraindicated in cases of epilepsy.