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Butter Water

Butter Water

Acuqa butter, available in two different sizes, 100ml and 500ml.


With a Monoi Butter base and a Fragrant Synergy to activate your essence, the rituals are authentic, inspiring moments of absolute well-being. They relieve fatigue and tension by regenerating body and mind.

Let the scent and touch envelop you, breathe in awakening in you the qualities of the element WATER.
It is the creative matrix; it is associated with the world of emotions in that it can flow between nuances and subtleties that others cannot perceive.
It can change shape and get around obstacles so it helps us to be changeable, flexible and in touch with our inner motions. Balances emotions to promote peaceful self-expression.

How to use it?
– Ideal after showering, on skin that is still damp;
– As a pack on the hair, to make it soft and silky (put it on, leave it on 15/20min and then make a generous SHAMPOO always using gentle and natural products)
– In the intimate areas if you suffer from dryness;
– As a nutrient for feet or hands;

* It can also be a valuable aid for those with serious illnesses. The essential oil content is below the minimal threshold for toxicological effect, so it can be used by anyone even those under heavy drug therapy. It can be a mental support and also a pampering on the skin.

– Can be used pure on the skin or mixed with other products
– Can be used all over the body
– Use in cases of pregnancy, children, the elderly or people undergoing treatment

100% Organic and Natural Ingredients
Cruelty Free